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SEP 23 - OCT 22

Transformation and Expansion

Get ready for an amazing month, Libra, because the focus on your sector of transformation can bring fresh challenges and positive changes. With the sun here until May 20, it’s time to ride the wave of transformation and embrace opportunities to release stuck emotions and let go of anything that no longer works for you. You can also harness the power of your innate business sense to bring key projects to a fruitful conclusion.

At the same time, fiery Mars continues its journey through your sector of relating, encouraging you to be true to yourself and create stronger boundaries in your interactions with others.

With the new moon in Taurus on the seventh, you’ll have a great opportunity to pool resources as you weave a path through the many possibilities open to you and choose the way that aligns with your highest values.

As the focus shifts to Gemini on May 20, emphasizing your sector of travel and exploration, your gaze shifts to matters associated with the future. This can be a time of planning and research as you look into options that resonate with your need for new friendships and lively interactions.

There’s a full moon in Sagittarius on the twenty-third, and you could be more outspoken than usual. This lunar phase can highlight issues that have been swept under the carpet, and if that’s the case, use this opportunity to discuss them and clear the air.

A delightful link between upbeat Jupiter and dreamy Neptune on May 23 could coincide with an idea that has entrepreneurial potential. It might stem from creative and imaginative beginnings, but the end result could be fairly lucrative.

Finally, jovial Jupiter steps into talkative Gemini on the twenty-fifth and will remain here for around a year. During this time, there will be endless possibilities for traveling, studying, networking, and forging new paths that feed your soul.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe