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NOV 22 - DEC 21

Lifestyle Shifts

Get your bow and arrow ready, Sagittarius, because you can hit the target in more ways than one this month. With a powerful and positive focus on your sector of work and wellness, things are looking up in this zone, especially if you’re ready to make progress. Use this opportunity to let go of activities that contribute to stress or anxiety and replace them with others you enjoy and can help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

There’s a new moon in Taurus on May 7, so this is an excellent opportunity to change your routines, creating a cosmic reshuffle that will reweave your daily schedule. Despite being naturally adventurous, you appreciate stability in your day-to-day life, and this month you can work toward reaching this goal.

Fiery Mars continues its journey through Aries, so leisure activities can be an outlet for this dynamic energy, and you’ll be ready to take a few risks in the process.

The focus gradually shifts to Gemini and your sector of relating as the sun steps inside this convivial zone on the twentieth for a four-week stay. You’re primed to connect and interact, and you’ll gain in many ways from this. Opportunities abound as you network, following your heart as you hold nurturing conversations.

The full moon in your sign on May 23 heightens emotions and brings buried issues into the open. You aren’t usually one to hold back, so you’ll waste no time in sharing your concerns if something has rattled you recently.

Get ready for lift-off as zesty Jupiter enters Gemini and your relationship zone on the twenty-fifth, where it will remain for around a year. Your friendships, deep bonds, and other associations can be a source of abundant opportunities and good times.

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Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe