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SEP 23 - OCT 22

This week, you’re the one people want to see.

On Monday, November 20, the sun in Scorpio and your house of money sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. Today, you have the power to clean up a situation. This could be related to credit or a misunderstanding regarding money. Libra, you could be getting to the bottom of a financial conundrum.

Mars in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn and your house of family on Tuesday, November 21. Libra, you could be in high demand today. Family members might want you to help them with holiday plans, logistics, or advice. They could be asking for your patented diplomatic response as they navigate a difficult situation. Today, you can ride in on a white horse and come to the rescue.

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01 december - 07 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe