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NOV 22 - DEC 21

This week, you’re feeling quite connected.

On Monday, November 20, the sun in Scorpio and your house of spirituality sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. A daily spiritual practice can rejuvenate your soul, and you might be fully connecting to that practice today. Sagittarius, you might have been doing this for a while, but it has greater meaning for you now.

Mars in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn and your house of money on Tuesday, November 21. You could be very excited that you’ve reached an important milestone. Sagittarius, your business could hit a sales record, or you might get a larger commission check than you’ve ever received. This boost of confidence could carry you through the rest of the year.

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01 december - 07 december
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe