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FEB 19 - MAR 20

Ready to Travel

The sun, dynamic Mars, and inquisitive Mercury are in your sector of far horizons, Pisces, so you’ll be ready for new experiences and eager to embrace exciting opportunities. This is the time of year when your focus is on the future and the possibilities that lie ahead. Not content with your current situation, you’ll be seeking ways to gather knowledge, remove limiting beliefs, and connect with teachers, mentors, or coaches who can help you get out of your own way and begin to soar.

Don’t be in too much of a hurry at the time of the new moon in Scorpio on November 13. While this is an excellent time for a new beginning, there’s also the potential that you’ll to rush into something that isn’t good for you. Take your time, and don’t let a fear of missing out force you into doing something that you might come to regret later. Research your options and get some advice and you won’t go wrong.

Very gradually the focus shifts to your sector of ambition, starting when lively Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the ninth. The coming weeks are great for advancing your career or business and making positive strides forward.

The sun enters this sector on November 22, followed by go-getter Mars two days later. This would be a great time to promote your skills and abilities, showcase your best work, and let others know just how talented you are. It’s a chance to enhance your image and attract more clients and customers into the mix.

You might also be quite competitive and willing to take a risk to get what you want. Even if you have no experience in the endeavor, you’ll still be ready to try.

Finally, don’t be too quick off the mark at the time of the full moon in Gemini on the twenty-seventh. Instead, take some time to unwind at home. If there are big decisions pending, a little pampering and “me” time will help you get your bearings and reflect on what’s best for you.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe