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AUG 23 - SEP 22

Mindset Shift

Virgo, you’ll be in detective mode this month and eager to unravel any mysteries that have been perplexing you for a while.

The focus on the sign of Scorpio and your sector of talk and thought could find you engaged in intense conversations that lead to major changes. You’ll be meeting with influential people who can assist you with your plans. Your words will also have power, and you’ll find it easier to persuade others to take up your cause. However, try to be sensitive to others. You could come across as rather blunt when you don’t mean to.

Try to avoid making spur-of-the-moment decisions at the time of the new moon on November 13. You could be so excited about a proposition that you don’t stop to think of the consequences.

The emphasis gradually shifts to your home zone as Mercury moves into Sagittarius on the ninth, followed by the sun on the twenty-second and Mars two days later.

Messenger Mercury’s presence here can inspire you to think big, especially where your domestic plans are concerned. While this is an opportunity to get organized, it’s also a chance to think about what you can do with the space you have left over. Perhaps this is an opportunity to create a home gym, office, or creative area.

When the sun and feisty Mars move in, you’ll be aware of anything that needs to change, including the family dynamic or home décor, or perhaps you’re thinking about moving to a new place altogether. The tendency might be to go for a place that offers plenty of opportunities for a full and rich life.

Be careful around the time of the full moon in Gemini and your career sector on November 27. You’ll be noticed more than usual, so use this opportunity to enhance your image, and try to avoid doing or saying anything that would make waves.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe