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APR 20 - MAY 20

Partnerships and Relationships

Taurus, you’ll be busy with all kinds of interactions and social events, not to mention spending more time with close ones. With a powerful focus on the sign of Scorpio, your dealings with others could be fairly intense, especially since pushy Mars, chatty Mercury, and the sun are all in this zone. This might be an opportunity to clear the air and find a way to move forward after a difficult time. Equally, you could be ready for positive change and prepared to drop anything that isn’t working for you.

However, the new moon on November 13 aligns with fiery Mars and restless Uranus, so take it easy around this time. This could be a make-or-break lunar phase regarding one relationship, especially if you make an impulsive move. There is the potential to spoil something that has been developing nicely, so be careful how you go.

There is a gradual shift to Sagittarius starting when Mercury moves in on the ninth, followed by the sun and Mars on the twenty-second and twenty-fourth, respectively. These planets move into a deeply emotional zone, so this could be an interesting time. You could become an explorer of the deeper landscape of your soul and might enjoy tackling any blocks or limiting beliefs that are preventing you from moving forward.

If you work in business or are eager to improve your finances, you might be ready to take a risk or two to get things moving in the right direction. You’ll be focused and open-minded, which is a great combination.

Be careful around the time of the full moon in Gemini on November 27. It makes a lingering tie with Saturn, which could cause delays. Stay cool and be patient, especially if you’re traveling. It would be wise to have good travel insurance and take precautions just in case.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe