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MAR 21 - APR 19

All Change

It’s a busy month as 2024 gets underway, Aries, with planetary shifts in the cards that could bring some key changes to your life. On January 4, warrior Mars joins the sun in Capricorn, which means you’ll be ready to knuckle down and make progress on your goals and ambitions. You’ll persevere no matter what obstacles you meet and have the necessary grit and stamina to help you on your journey.

Mercury turns direct on the first and moves back into Capricorn on the thirteenth, so you’ll be ready to devise a strategy that will assure your future success.

The new moon in Capricorn on January 11 is perfect for launching a project that fills you with enthusiasm. Use your experience to help you make a name for yourself.

The twentieth could be quite a day because the sun and Pluto move into Aquarius together and bond in a very intense way. They move into your social zone, so the coming few days could coincide with a decision that changes your social scene in a powerful way. Perhaps you’ll decide to join a club that transforms your life, or an encounter could do something similar.

Still, with the sun in Aquarius for around a month, this is very much the time to network and get involved in community projects. And if there is a dream that has been on your mind for a long time, this is when you might start working on it.

On January 23, luscious Venus joins Mars and Mercury in Capricorn. Her presence in the topmost sector of your chart means that you’ll gravitate to those with influence. You’ll also have an advantage when it comes to negotiating and closing deals.

Finally, the Leo full moon squares off with Jupiter on the twenty-fifth, indicating that an opportunity that has been hiding in plain sight could come to light, and you might want to take advantage of it.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe