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FEB 19 - MAR 20

Dream Come True

Pisces, the emphasis is on your sector of dreams and long-term wishes and your social scene as 2024 gets underway. The sun is here until January 20, and warrior Mars moves in on January 4, so this could be an eventful month. You’ll be in your element as you attend and arrange events, bring people together, and get involved in groups and clubs with people who share your interests.

And with a new moon in Capricorn on the eleventh, this is an excellent opportunity to kick-start a goal or dream that has been on your mind for a long time. Whatever the next steps may be, this is the time to take them. You’ll be helped along by the moon tide, enabling you to make good progress.

In addition, talkative Mercury turns direct in your sector of goals and ambitions on January 1. This is very important if the recent weeks have been frustrating and filled with delays. Things will get easier over the coming days, and soon you’ll be able to sign deals, commit to agreements, and get back into your usual stride.

The big news this month is that the sun and underworld Pluto move into Aquarius and your spiritual sector on the twentieth. The sun moves in first, followed by Pluto a few hours later, and with both these planets connected for three days, life could be intense. You might have vivid dreams or receive an intuitive nudge to do something important.

Lovely Venus moves into Capricorn on January 23, making this a great time for dating and enjoying your social life. You can connect with new friends, as well as take the opportunity to spend more time with your partner doing activities that put the sparkle back into your relationship.

Finally, the full moon in Leo on the twenty-fifth could be an opportunity to unwind. Consider simplifying your day to avoid any drama and unnecessary complications.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe