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SEP 23 - OCT 22

A Homey Vibe

As 2024 gets underway, Libra, the emphasis is on home and family affairs and appreciating the people you’re closest to. The sun is in Capricorn until January 20, and it’s joined by Mars on January 4. That means you might be looking at your place with a fresh eye and thinking about doing some redecorating and giving your place a clean sweep.

Now that the holiday season is over, it’s time for a good decluttering. Get rid of any junk, sell items you don’t need or want, and make space for all the opportunities that are coming your way this year.

The new moon in Capricorn on the eleventh is one of the best times to give your place a makeover. Have a plan, cost it out, and then get moving. With a fresh coat of paint and some new furnishings, you’ll be ready to welcome the new year in style.

Perhaps the biggest change occurring this month is when the sun and powerbroker Pluto move into Aquarius on January 20. They move into your sector of leisure and pleasure, which can have an impact on self-expression, romance, and how you like to spend your free time. As the month progresses, one hobby or creative pastime could become an obsession and be something you’re determined to excel at.

Sweet Venus, your personal planet, moves into Capricorn on the twenty-third, adding a soothing and healing note to the mix. Her presence here is perfect for entertaining and resolving issues that have been a thorn in your side for some time.

And get ready, because the full moon in Leo on January 25 could coincide with a memorable social event. You’ll be ready to dress to impress and in your element. Whether you’re looking for love or going out for a fun date with your partner, you’ll have a ball.

Finally, energizing Uranus turns direct in an intense zone on the twenty-sixth, bringing new opportunities and exciting possibilities your way.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe