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APR 20 - MAY 20

New Adventures

As 2024 dawns, Taurus, warrior Mars joins the sun in ambitious Capricorn and your sector of travel and adventure on January 4. You’ll be ready to reach out for new opportunities and experiences that can enhance your knowledge and open new doors for you. This is an exciting time when having a step-by-step plan to accomplish something big can reap rich rewards. And if you’ve experienced delays in recent weeks, agile Mercury’s direct motion starting on the first means that any frustrations will soon melt away.

You are on the cusp of new adventures, and the new moon on January 11 encourages you to step out on faith. Are you eager to learn a skill, get a qualification, or study just for the fun of it? If so, this is the time to start. And if you’re going on a journey, you’ll be in touch with the moon tide, which can help your experience be truly fulfilling.

The big news this month is the movement of the sun and powerbroker Pluto into Aquarius and a high-flying zone on the twentieth. They enter together, which can indicate a powerful and exciting start to the coming four weeks. An opportunity could show up that gives you a chance to excel and enhance your street cred. This burst of energy could revitalize your goals and plans and encourage you to set your sights even higher than you might otherwise.

On January 23, lovely Venus, your personal planet, moves into Capricorn, enhancing your appetite for life. With Venus in a far-reaching zone, you’ll enjoy exploring new places, and the people you meet along the way could become new friends on an incredible journey of discovery.

There is also a lively full moon in Leo and your home and family sector on the twenty-fifth that can enhance feelings. This might be when an issue that had been swept under the carpet comes to a head and you feel moved to do something about it.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe