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DEC 22 - JAN 19

In Your Element

The year 2024 begins on a positive note for you, Capricorn, with the sun in your sign until January 20 and go-getter Mars moving in on January 4. You’ll be in your element. You’ll have extra energy and be feeling on top of the world.

You’re in a perfect position to get moving on your plans and dreams and make fabulous progress. This is your chance to showcase your skills and unleash your leadership abilities on the world.

On the eleventh, be sure to make use of the new moon in your sign to initiate important projects. This is perfect for kick-starting those ideas you’ve been visualizing so vividly over recent weeks. Plus, with lively Mercury turning direct at the start of the month, it will be easier to make progress after a period of delay and frustration.

There’s more news this month as the sun and potent Pluto move into Aquarius and your personal financial sector on January 20. Pluto in particular could transform this zone because it will be journeying through Aquarius for some time. This month, you might be empowered to take control of your finances and perhaps set even bigger goals for the coming weeks and months.

Luscious Venus dances into your sign on the twenty-third, making you an attractive option and encouraging you to connect with kindred spirits. If you’re ready for a makeover, now is the time.

On January 25, the full moon occurs in Leo and an intense and emotional sector. This might be an opportunity to let go of something that has been draining you. Things could to come to a head around this date, inspiring you to take action and bask in the resulting sense of relief.

Finally, energizing Uranus turns direct in your leisure zone on the twenty-sixth, and you could have all kinds of ideas for creative projects, recreational activities, and hobbies that you’re eager to explore.

Wondering what’s next in your life? Here’s why speaking with a psychic advisor may be right for you.
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe